Everyone wants to look radiant with smooth, healthy skin. Sometimes unwanted hair gets in the way of that goal, but it’s an easy problem to solve with laser hair removal.
Whether you have unsightly hair on your face, arms and legs, or more delicate areas of your body, Laser Loft can make it all go away.
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Open Hours: Monday – Sunday
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Laser Loft specializes in laser hair removal, as well as IPL treatment and laser skin resurfacing. We also offer services that include photo facial, varicose vein removal and surgical scar removal. Our procedures are safe and effective for all skin types.
Disclaimer & Notice: The material on this site is provided for personal, non-commercial, educational, and informational purposes only, and does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement with respect to any company, product, treatment, or therapy. Treatment and therapy should only be determined after a personal consultation with a professional of your choice. Our office has tried to be as accurate as possible in developing this site and have tried to make the information useful and educational. Photographs throughout the site are meant to be educational and representative in a general sense of the material presented, and no claims or warranties are made that the same result can be guaranteed in another individual. Treatment, therapy, and results vary by individual person and patient. Laser Loft LLC makes no representations and specifically disclaims all warranties, express, implied, or statutory, regarding the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, potential therapy or treatment results, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose of any material contained on this site. You should seek the advice of a professional regarding your health or medical situation and for a specific diagnoses, treatment, or therapy for your own individual needs.
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